In order to provide a predictable maintenance schedule to DPS users worldwide, the DPS PMO will be taking the DPS application offline starting at 1900 Central Time on Friday nights. The application will return to service once maintenance activities are completed. The specific times of scheduled maintenance will be identified in the DPS Advisory messages released by the TCJ9 prior to any activity.
If you are a customer moving during Peak Season 15 May - 30 Sep, please request your move in DPS as soon as possible after receiving your PCS orders. Once your shipment has been awarded it will be reflected in DPS and the moving company should contact you within three calendar days of shipment award, and confirm an agreed upon pickup date inside the 7-day spread (in writing).
Effective Nov 1, 2021 - Move.mil has closed and all online moving support can now be found via the new Moving Your Personal Property Landing Page on MilitaryOneSource.mil. Make sure to bookmark or save the link to your favorites for easy access. https://www.militaryonesource.mil/personalproperty.
We realize our customers have various browsers, operating systems, and devices available to them. In order to have the best experience when interacting with DPS, Chrome is the preferred browser using a laptop or desktop device. Customers can use Other Browsers or Devices, however, certain aspects of the application may encounter issues. The program is working to provide maximum browser flexibility.
Application Notices
For system questions or support, please contact the System Response Center (SRC) via 1-800-462-2176 or usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g6-src-dps-hd@army.mil.
For OCONUS users, please contact your local operator for DSN dialing instructions.
DPS Login Options


(I need to ship Personal Property)
PII Disclaimer
This system contains information which must be protected IAW AR 340-21, The Army Privacy Program; Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5400.11, DoD Privacy Program; The Privacy Act of 1974 as amended applies, and it is Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). It must be protected or privacy act information removed prior to further disclosure.
